Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can chiropractors help with foot pain?

I have foot pain and want to treat it. Can chiropractors help with foot pain?

9 Answers

Yes, in some cases, depending on the diagnosis.
It depends on the cause of the pain. If it is a herniated or slipped disc, then yes they can. If it is due to a local nerve impingement, then I don't believe they can do anything for it.
Yes. Chiropractors know that orthotics will help the back and make them for their patients, which in turn also help the feet in immeasurable ways.

It depends on what is causing your pain. A proper diagnosis is essential. Chiropractors cannot prescribe medications or provide any invasive procedures like injections or surgery. I would recommend you be examined and treated by a Podiatric Surgeon who is Board Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery.
Depends what it is. Sciatic caused the foot pain? Yes.
Absolutely. A specialist should, however, be called if conservative treatment fails. A specialist will take an X-ray and perform a more in-depth assessment if/when needed.
Possibly, but you should see a foot and ankle specialist.
They can attempt manipulations of the feet and sometimes a spine manipulation will help with foot, leg and ankle pain if the origin of the pain is lumbosacral radiculopathy. Some Chiropractors also make arch supports/orthotics, but most don't do them well. The appropriate person to go to for foot and ankle pain is a Podiatrist. That is what we specialize in and concentrate on.
Chiropractors usually address back pain. Foot pain should be addressed by a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist)