Psychiatrist Questions Hormonal Imbalance

Can high TSH levels cause depression?

My daughter has been detected with high TSH levels, and she has been very depressed lately while often preferring to be alone. Could it be due to the hormonal imbalance?

10 Answers

High TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) indicates low thyroid (hypothyroidism), which causes depression due to medical illness. It is different from MDD (major depressive disorder), which is mental. Depression due to medical illness does not respond to antidepressants well. The medical illness has to be treated first. Take your daughter to your family doctor or endocrinologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Low thyroid not only causes depression, but many other health issues. It is very important to treat it asap.
Elevated TSH levels may suggest hypothyroidism which can cause symptoms of depression in many individuals. Treatment for the thyroid condition is very important because this particular endocrine system affects many different parts of the body.
Hypothyroidism can cause symptoms similar to depression.

Jan Fawcett, MD
It could definitely be due to hypothyroidism, which is the most common cause of depression secondary to a medical condition. She needs to treat that first before she is placed on any antidepressants.
High TSH levels mean that the thyroid is less active. TSH is a stimulating hormone for thyroid gland.
Hypoactive thyroid can lead to depression which becomes sever in some cases and even might lead to suicidal thoughts, a serious matter need to be ruled out!
Thyroid helps with metabolism and energy regulation and once affected with a disease it leavs the body in a state of hypo activity and retardation.
Somatic symptoms of hypothyroidism is quit similar to somatic symptoms of depression which include change in level of energy, appetite, and sleep patterns. However, depression can be identified in presence of sadness or lack of interest.
So, poor thyroid function can lead to depressive like symptoms and depression. The later need treatment with medication in parallel with the treatment of underlying medical condition.
Disclaimer: The previous is not intended to treat patient but to help with increasing public’s medical knowledge.
YES. High TSH level, particularly if concurrent with low T4 level, is the indicator of hypothyroidism, which one of the most common biological causes of depression.
Yes, high TSH means the brain wants more thyroid. It can be for a number of reasons. To know more, they should check T4 and Free T3. If either are low, taking that replacement can help a depression, among other things (hypothyroid).
Good luck. It's pretty common and easy to treat. If those others are nl, it may be more like Hashimoto's disease...not as bad as it sounds, same treatment.
Yes, high TSH means hypothyroidism, which can produce symptoms that look like depression. It is best to consult with a family doctor. If symptoms of depression persist despite correction of a thyroid problem, then consult with a psychiatrist.
An elevated TSH level can indicate the presence of hypothyroidism, a disease causing low levels of circulating thyroxine hormones (T3, T4). Hypothyroidism can cause cold intolerance, weight gain, lethargy, fatigue, constipation, and depression.
Yes, hypothyroidism can lead to depressive symptoms.