Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can too much screen time damage your eyes?

I am a 27 year old male. I want to know if too much screen time can damage your eyes?

4 Answers

Screen time doesn't really damage your eyes. However, people tend to blink less when looking at screens so their eyes can become dry. Looking at screens late at night can also disrupt your circadian rhythm (but doesn't actually damage the eyes), keeping you awake when you should be feeling sleepy. There is some research to suggest that if children spend a lot of time staring at close up objects (like screens), that they may be more likely to become nearsighted and need to wear glasses, but this is not substantiated.
It can cause eye strain (fatigue) and cause you to have dry eyes. You do not blink as much when focusing on a screen all day, causing your eyes to become dry. Blue blocking lenses in glasses can be a benefit. Artificial tears will also help.
Current studies show that screens can increase myopia developed by children and they are growing years. Since you’re in your 20s it’s unlikely that this will affect you significantly the The light emitted by screams can also simulate daylight color. This can keep you up at night if you’re on your screen towards bedtime. Otherwise screens don’t generally cause any other significant side effects as far as we know. It’s part of our lives now and really smart engineers have designed the screen is not to admit harmful rays. That’s our current research. Thanks a lot.

Angela Hughes
Screen time can make your eyes tired and perhaps irritated since prolonged staring can dry your eye surface but should do no permanent harm