Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Can you sleep on your side after rhinoplasty?

I will have rhinoplasty surgery and I usually sleep on my side. I want to know if I can sleep on my side after rhinoplasty?

4 Answers

Yes, eventually.
You can sleep on your side. Most of the time we recommend that you sleep upright, greater than 30°, in an effort to help with the swelling. The other issue is avoiding trauma or pressure to the nose is always a good idea.

Yes. You should be able to sleep on your side after rhinoplasty. For the first 48 to 72 hours it is best to sleep with your head elevated on a few pillows to help with the egress of swelling. But of course, everyone needs sleep, so if you cannot sleep with your head elevated it is important to discuss this with your doctor.
Its not possible to sleep on your side after the rhinoplasty surgery because it’s possible to cause damage to the nose do to the fact that the surgery still so fresh and your sleeping should be on your back otherwise your nose will touch the pillow and cause trauma.