Cardiologist Questions Chest Pain

Chest pain

I feel like my chest is closing. I can’t drink liquid without pain and feeling like it’s stuck

Male | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 90 days
Medications: None
Conditions: Chest pain rapid heart rate

2 Answers

Answer: this patient is describing atypical chest pain. Not a lot of patient information provide on risk factors for CAD, but age alone goes against true angina from underlying cardiovascular disease. The patient is describing dysphagia with liquids, probably related to esophageal stricture or spasm. True , classic angina is exertional and heaviness or pressure and associated with shortness of breath, nausea, sweating and radiation to jaw or arm(s). Goes away with rest or nitroglycerin. It can be induced with stress and anxiety, and can mimic indigestion. but their is no associated dysphasia. This patient needs gastroenterologist consultation and EGD. If their is a strong family history of CAD, a screening treadmill stress test ,and possibly and echocardiogram , are reasonable plans of action.
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