Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist


I’m suffering from anxiety and started taking Citalopram 20mg for the last 10 weeks in addition to therapy and supplements. I’m having mixed feelings about Citalopram, I was hesitant taking it at first but since my condition was crippling I decided to take it. Now I’m very disappointed that I’m not getting good results after taking it for weeks.

Female | 53 years old
Complaint duration: 4 months
Medications: Citalopram
Conditions: Anxiety

2 Answers

What is your question? You are stating your concern of low or no medication efficacy and this needs to be directed to your prescriber. 
Thank you for your comments. 

Dr. Martinez 
See this link for its use...,(serotonin)%20in%20the%20brain.
also see this link for anxiety meds
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