Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Constant hip pain?

I'm having pain in my left hip. It's mainly when I stand or walk and some pain when sitting. It runs down outside of the thigh.

Female | 58 years old
Complaint duration: 2 month or more

5 Answers

Could be hip bursitis.If so a cortisone injection can help.But you need an accurate diagnosis.

Sorry to hear that you’re hurting. Pain in the hip can be multi factorial. Pain behind the hip can be from a back issue. Particularly that radiates. Pinched nerves in bed discs can do this. Pain on the side can be from bursitis, which is a fraction of a tendon rubbing against the bone. A small fluid filled sac becomes inflamed. Arthritis typically causes groin pain or stiffness of the twisting motion in the hip. I would recommend you get checked by your internist or orthopedist.
The pain you are describing may come from your hip joint or your lower back. You should be evaluated by someone familiar with hip and back evaluation, which can include a chiropractor, a physical therapist, sports physician, or orthopedic doctor.
Could be from your lumbar spine. See a chiropractor.
Hello. True hip related pain due to arthritis or bursitis is located in the front of the thigh and radiates towards the knee. Pain in the lateral thigh is more likely trochanteric bursitis and radiates towards the outer knee. In either case avoiding aggravating activities, heat and stretching will help. Probably best to have an exam, radiograph and appropriate guidance in treatment. Good luck.