Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Cyst on scalp?

I have a small bump (which I think is a cyst) on my scalp. I noticed a few days ago that my hair was damp in that location and it was leaking a clear fluid. It doesn’t hurt (although gets sore if I mess with it) but when I touch it, it makes an audible squeaking sound. Should I go see a doctor or will it heal on its own?

Female | 60 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Wellbutrin, Concerta 35 mg, Losartan
Conditions: High blood pressure controlled with medication. Depression. Bunion surgery 8 weeks ago.

4 Answers

Easily removed by a dermatologist.
Cysts typically do not resolve on their own unless they get very inflamed and abscess.... then they can sometimes scar down and resolve. Cysts are benign but if it is bothersome, see a dermatologist to remove it... typically in office procedure requiring a few sutures.
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I recommend you see your doctor.
It does not sound serious, but if it doesn’t resolve on its own in 2 weeks, see your doctor.