Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Depression symptoms?

About a year now I've been having sleepless nights and I tend to forget things. Whenever I study, I don't remember anything. I think I might have melancholia or depression.

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year
Medications: none
Conditions: No idea

2 Answers

What you’re describing are potentially symptoms of any number of conditions. Depression might be the right one. But I encourage you to get a full physical and a psychological work up to determine what may be wrong and what the best treatment might be for you.
Sorry that you’re having these symptoms . Sleep is essential for everyone and especially so for children and adolescents. Lack of sleep can be caused by many conditions. I will suggest you talk to your parents about your symptoms and have them get an appointment with your pediatrician to further explore your symptoms. Your pediatrician will either treat your condition or make the appropriate referrals if needed. Your parents might also want to make an appointment for you with a child and adolescent psychiatrist if you’re feeling down to get you evaluated. Wishing you good health.