Nurse Questions Nurse

Does sweating help with the flu?

I have flu. Does sweating help with the flu?

1 Answer

Sweating is a way for your body to cool down the temperature and is also a way to detoxify. You may realize you sweat more than you normally do after you take paracetamol or Nurofen ( or other NSAIDS), or drink some soup with ginger (a homeopathic remedy) which is normal. After that, you generally felt better from fever, or headache, which may help you to get some restful sleep and speed up your recovery from the flu. It is a sign your body is responding to the medications. However, try to avoid exposing yourself to cold temperatures ( low air-conditioned room, cold shower, cold windy outdoor air, or a cold drink/food) during this time as your skin hair pores are " open", sudden cold temperature will increase physical stress on your body and reduce the immunity that is needed to fight the flu virus.