Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear Problems

Ear Problems

When I was a kid that I would have ear infections consistently. At least one every two months, sometimes more often. I have ruptured both of my eardrums since then, but I do not get ear infections anymore. I recently found out that my ear canals are “curvy“ and the rate at which my ears produce earwax is rapid. I have gotten two professional ear washes in the past four months. My most recent one being at three weeks ago, but I feel it is almost time for a new one as my Earwax is slightly in pairing my hearing. Debrox gets the earwax soft, however, I have noticed that the Debrox generally takes a long time to fully come out of my ear and gets sort of trapped inside of my ear. I do not have a great hearing, because of all of the wax, and I tend to have to equalize multiple times every single hour in order to have full hearing of everything around me. I was wondering is there anything specific I should do or go and have done because although it is not a life in pairing situation, it is annoying to have to deal with this constantly.

Female | 21 years old

1 Answer

Equalizing the ear pressure has nothing to do with your ear wax, as this is a product of middle ear pressure. Middle ear pressure is regulated by the eustachian tube. Ear wax is produced differently by different people and should not be "washed out" but should be removed under a microscope by an ENT physician or audiologist. If you have hearing loss, it is likely NOT from your ear wax but from unregulated negative ear pressure (eustachian tube dysfunction) or sensorineural hearing loss.
Get a hearing test (audiogram) before you start blaming your hearing loss on ear wax. There could be much more going on that could be addressed.