Doctor Questions Allergies

Eggs and flu shots

Why am I asked if I am allergic to eggs when I get a flu shot?

9 Answers

Because the vaccine is cultured in egg yolk.
Flu vaccines can have minute amounts of egg protein in them. However, the risk of a reaction in an egg allergic patient is minimal and no testing is recommended. In those with a history of egg anaphylaxis, should be administered under the supervision of a practitioner that can manage anaphylaxis.
The flu vaccine is produced using eggs as the culture for the virus.
This is because the flu vaccine is produced using chicken eggs.
Most flu shots and the nasal spray flu vaccine are manufactured using egg-based technology. Because of this, they contain a small amount of egg proteins, such as ovalbumin. However, studies that have examined the use of both the nasal spray vaccine and flu shots in egg-allergic and non-egg-allergic patients indicate that severe allergic reactions in people with egg allergies are unlikely. A recent CDC study found the rate of anaphylaxis after all vaccines is 1.31 per one million vaccine doses given.
Some flu vaccines are made using eggs. As a result, the vaccines have tiny amounts of egg proteins in them. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that if you're allergic to eggs you can't get a flu shot.

There are two flu vaccines that don't contain egg proteins, approved for use in adults age 18 and older. And even flu vaccines that do have egg proteins can be given safely to most people with egg allergy.
If you've had a reaction to eggs in the past, talk to your doctor before getting a flu vaccination. Your doctor may choose to give you the vaccine made without eggs or send you to a physician who specializes in allergies.

A skin test may be needed to see if you're truly allergic to eggs. A nurse or doctor will scratch a tiny amount of egg protein on your skin and watch to see if your skin reacts to it.
If the skin test is positive, you'll still probably be able to get the flu vaccine. Your doctor may want you to wait 30 minutes before leaving, in case you have a reaction.
The flu vaccine is made by injecting the flu virus into hen’s eggs and grown (then inactivated and the antigens are obtained) So if an individual is allergic to eggs they well could be allergic to the flu vaccine. Therefore in this case of allergy to eggs we recommend that you don’t get the flu vaccine
The virus is cultured on yolk eggs.
Virus is grown in fertilized chicken eggs