Hepatologist Questions Hepatologist

Enlarged spleen/(gallbladder)?

I currently have an enlarged spleen which measures 13.9 x 13.3.x 5.4 cm. With a total volume of 525.8 mL. Without lesions or focal solid and has hemogeneity.

5 months ago my spleen was: 14.9 x 7.5.x 6.0 cm. The total volume of 355.2 mL.
Normal in size and echogenicity with No splenic masses. It demonstrates homogeneity without focal solid or cystic lesions.

I currently have Nash liver disease(no chorisis), gastritis, indigestion, and Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, along with microscopic colitis but no celiac disease in my colon. Chronic indigestion does not seem to resolve with PPI blockers and also PPI caused my calprotectin levels to be high, which went down after I came off of PPI. Would my gallbladder not work cause my spleen to enlarge and cause chronic indigestion?

Male | 37 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year
Medications: Levothyroxine, multivitamin
Conditions: Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism, NASH Liver Disease, Colitis Microscopic in Colon, gastrisis, Splenomegaly

1 Answer

You are missing important data. This is not an easy question to resolve. Go see your PCP and see a GI specialist or even an hematologist.