Urologist Questions Urologist

Every time I lay down I have to pee?

I have a question. I can work all day long. I stopped to pee once or twice. But at night when I lay down I have to pee. So I get up and pee. Lay down again I have to pee and so on. If I walk around a bit I'm fine. Lay down I have to pee. They tested my kidneys and for any kind of bladder infections. Everything comes back clean.

Male | 53 years old
Complaint duration: 8 days
Medications: Ocy from broken back
Conditions: O

4 Answers

It can be from multiple factors:
1. Drinking too much or too close to bed time.
2. Enlarged prostate.
3. Heart failure and swelling.
4. Fewer distractions at night compared to the day, may make one focus on the sensation.
Ortostatic polyuria
You may have urinary retention. I recommend you see a urologist who can do a post-void urine trial.

Namrata Sharma Goel, M.D.
Maybe stop your pain meds or use flomax.