Dentist Questions


Hello! Despite maintaining excellent oral hygiene throughout the years, over the last year, I’ve seemingly developed a fistula, masked by a flap of skin, which has intermittently leaked puss. Insects, worms, hair, and unidentified compounds have emerged from it, as well. Some of the most recent compounds include slivers of what appear to be bone, as well as tan and red flakes, which appear reminiscent to that of fried cereal. I’ve seen an oral surgeon over the matter, and he was less than attentive to this issue. He merely took pictures of the solids and sent me on my way. I’m very concerned. Any idea of what this could be?

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year+
Medications: None
Conditions: Fistula, intermittent infections, infestation, wads of hair, unidentified compounds

2 Answers

Sorry For your issues. I would find a Holistic dentist to find the source. I always start my search at You may need a Cone Beam scan to find out where it is coming from. An office that uses ozone would also be helpful. If you need more assistance my website is Good Luck Dr Michael Rouff
Fistulas are generally associated with some type of infection, foreign body, etc… The fact that various materials have emerged from your open fistula warrants this region to be opened, debrided, explored as well as a possible biopsy.
You should seek prompt attention regarding this persistent issue.