Foot & Ankle Surgeon Questions Podiatrist

Foot pain?

My foot hurts when I walk, my ankles were red. It started yesterday with the pain.

Female | 24 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days
Medications: Zoloft 200mg, buspirone 15 mg,adderal 25mg
Conditions: borderline diabetic,Depression,anxiety,adhd

7 Answers

Hello, Thank you for your question. We you have to evaluate you and take foot x-rays if needed. Please call our office 973-817-9577 or on our portal for an appointment.
Thank you
You need to be more specific exactly where the pain is in your foot before I can begin to address your question. There are dozen of causes of foot pain when one walks. From the picture, your foot looks swollen also around the red ankles.
Need to see a professional for proper evaluation, for now, apply ice.
You will need to seek the attention of a physician. You will have to have a proper examination to identify what the problem might be. There are many possible pathologies that might have caused your pain.
It does look red so I would recommend getting an X-ray at the very least. Your borderline diabetes makes that even more necessary.

Dr. Weiss
I recommend rest ice and elevation for now. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment options
It could be something called sinus tarsi syndrome. See a specialist for evaluation and treatment