Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions Stomach Ache

For a kidney stone, is stent the only recommended option?

My father is 67 years old and had been complaining of severe pain in the stomach. Upon examination a 3cms measuring calculi was detected in his right kidney. The doctors are suggesting a stent to be inserted to remove the stone. Is it the only option or can we also consider something else?

4 Answers

The stone needs to pass out of the body so a stent could help
The size of the stone really means there is likely surgical intervention indicated.
Management of kidney stones depends on stone size, composition and location of stone and every case needs to be assessed individually. For a stone that big a stent is not uncommonly recommended. The stone is fragmented with ultrasound waves and the stone fragments then pass into the bladder and then out but they may get stuck. A stent makes passage easier.

Adriana Cano.
Yes, stent and lithotripsy is recommended for this big stone
Considering the size of the stone, it needs intervention for does it pass by itself. Make sure the stone should be sent for stone analysis and also he may need work up to find out the causes of stone formation (which includes stone analyses ,usually two twenty four hour urine collection and some blood work). Prevention is very important. If your father has no other health problem, he should be drinking plenty of water so that in a day his urine out out out should be more than 2.0 L. Also cutting down on salt and high proteins will help all kinds of stone .
Hope this will help you. If any questions/concerns, pls don't hesitate to contact.
Best Wishes.