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How Do You Cure a Large Cyst Without Expensive Surgery?

I have a roommate/friend who has a very large cyst on his left hip bone. He's had it for a few years now, and it is better or worse depending on what I believe are dietary issues and possible food allergies. Unfortunately, most dermatologists are only going to be interested in prescribing drugs (including pain meds) and surgery, which is obviously very expensive for someone like him on a fixed income and with no health insurance. His latest doctor at least told him to lay off soft drinks and cheese that is likely creating an acidic environment from which his cyst becomes aggravated. However, they haven't tested him for food allergies or given him any dietary recommendations beyond that. I'm convinced that there is a way to eliminate cysts (even large ones like his) with a combination of super cleanses that specifically target the blood and liver along with topical remedies like DMSO and food-grade hydrogen peroxide. Am I on the right track when it comes to treating cysts holistically instead of with drugs or surgery? Or, is this the wrong forum to be asking that question? This isn't to say certain drugs don't have a place when it comes to treatment, but the goal here is to cure the cyst without surgery if at all possible. It isn't cancerous or malignant. It's just irritatingly cumbersome. What are your recommendations?

Male | 38 years old
Complaint duration: 3-4 years
Medications: Only over the counter pain meds
Conditions: Cyst

1 Answer

The hip bone is not a usual place for a skin cyst (epidermal type). Your friend definitely needs to be seen by a Dermatologist to determine if the cyst is related to the skin or is involving other structures.