Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

How accurate is a celiac blood test?

I am a 39 year old male. I want to know how accurate is a celiac blood test?

4 Answers

Blood test for celiac disease is 98% accurate on patients with celiac disease who are on gluten contains diet.
Celiac panel is fairly accurate but gold standard to diagnose celiac is small bowel biopsies during endoscopy
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What test did you doctor order? It may not be accurate in early stages of the disease.
It is quite accurate, but you need to be on a gluten containing diet before you check it. Also, a small proportion of people may have what is called IgA deficiency and in these people the celiac antibody test might be negative even if they have celiac.
For those with a positive celiac antibody, the next step is endoscopy with biopsy to help confirm the diagnosis. A good GI doctor should be able to confirm or rule it out.