Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Colon and Rectal Surgeon

How do I help my constipation?

I have been constipated for almost two months now I have some severe abdominal pain and I have what looks like pus coming out of my rectum. The stool is very hard and I have to use a glove and Vaseline to get out what I can just to have some relief because sometimes it's so big that I can not push it out so I have to assist myself to get it to come out and with doing it like that then there is blood that follows that. So what would you suggest that I do now. I have also tried giving myself an enema and drinking magnesium citrate and I had no relief from either one.

Female | 52 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Medications: None just ibuprofen or Tylenol
Conditions: Arthritis back pain knee pain diverticulitis ibs

3 Answers

You need to see a gastroenterologist or a colon and rectal surgeon as soon as you can get an appointment. You need an evaluation by a specialist.
Go get a colonoscopy. See a doctor close to home.
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This sounds like severe constipation that may also be accompanied by a defecation disorder. You need full evaluation by a good GI doctor who knows how to evaluate for defecation disorders.