Addiction Psychiatrist Questions Addiction Psychiatrist

How do I know I have anorexia?

I think I have anorexia.

Female | 15 years old
Complaint duration: Year
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

If you or someone you know is exhibiting symptoms of Anorexia nervosa, seek medical attention immediately! Not eating enough food and over conscious of the physical appearance is the first sign of Anorexia. The other symptoms include:
Extreme weight loss
Thin appearance
Intense fear of gaining weight
Bingeing and purging
Abnormal blood counts
Dizziness or fainting
Bluish discoloration of the fingers
Hair that thins, breaks or falls out
Soft, downy Hair covering the body
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)
Dry or yellowish skin
Intolerance of cold
Irregular heart rhythms
Low blood pressure
Swelling of arms or legs.
When a person has anorexia, they battle an intense fear of becoming fat and will continuously restrict food intake or fast to lose weight. They will become obsessed with thinking about food and being thinner. Anorexia involves distorted thinking and extreme criticalness of weight, body shape, and more.
I suggest you speak to your primary care provider and get a referral.
If you are unusually thin and do not eat much, you probably have anorexia. Best see your doctor.
See this link...,a%20distorted%20perception%20of%20weight.