Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

How do you get rid of calcium deposits in your arteries?

I am a 44 year old male. I want to know how do you get rid of calcium deposits in your arteries?

4 Answers

Very difficult if not impossible.
Calcium deposits in the arteries is called atherosclerosis. Risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes , positive family history of heart disease and smoking can definitely play a role. Therefore good control of these factors including stopping smoking will definitely help with that.
Hardening of the arteries can result from several factors including diets and social habits. Stop smoking; avoid fatty food; avoid foods with high calcium content like milk, cheese. Exercise is good and helps to minimize worsening symptoms.
Good luck!
Not easy to get rid of plaque. However, you can do a lot not to allow the plaque to become dangerous. Namely, exercise, diet control, treatment for hypertension and diabetes, stop smoking, etc.