Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How early should you start speech therapy?

My 2 year old son has a lisp. I want to know how early should you start speech therapy?

5 Answers

As early as possible. Please get an evaluation. Usually a lisp is treated a little later around six or seven. However an evaluation will tell you if there are steps you can do now to eliminate the problem eg if he is using a sippy cup which promotes lisping. Or open mouth posture due to mouth breathing. Taking care of those issues will help.
Look at the following chart. It should give you an idea of speech sound development.
It's never too early to at least get an assessment. You can take him to a speech language pathologist now for an evaluation and see what the findings and recommendations are.
Developmentally, 2 is pretty early to say if a lisp will affect your child's speech long term. We start to get concerned if a lisp hasn't self-corrected by age 7 or 8
Ideally, early intervention is best. However, a lisp in a 2 year old is quite common. Your child should outgrow it in a year or so. There are too many gaps in the mouth at this young age to properly produce certain sounds, thus resulting in a lisp. It definitely does NOT mean your child has a speech disorder.