Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

How long after the root canal can I eat?

I will get a root canal. How long after the root canal can I eat?

4 Answers

It's dependence on the situation of the tooth ,in general you can eat one hour after RCT done.
After root canal treatment, you can eat once the anesthetic has worn off and you do not feel "numb" any more. Especially if you have had a root canal on any of your lower arch teeth, usually in that area the whole half of the arch where the root canal was done will be numb. You do not want to bite yourself accidentally as it could be painful once the numbness is gone. Another important piece of advice is to avoid anything hard, or too crunchy on the tooth that had the root canal to avoid fracturing of the tooth, and if you were seen by a Root Canal Specialist, an Endodontist, get in to see your General Dentist to have a crown placed as soon as possible.
Depends on the question. You can eat immediately, but be careful not to chew up lips, tongue, cheek, etc. Wait until cement sets...5 minutes to 1/2 hour. Don't let yourself get burnt. On the other hand, you can ask your dentist how long, but if you are hungry and go to an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet, I have seen people eat for hours Seriously, ask your dentist to advise you. Good Luck
You can eat as soon as the anesthesia wears off, but you should avoid chewing anything hard on the tooth for at least a few days.