Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

How long do the results of a facelift last?

I want to have facelift surgery. How long do the results of a facelift last?

5 Answers

In general, plastic and cosmetic surgeons state that a facelift should last approximately 10 years but maybe upwards of 20 years. If done at an earlier age, a revision facelift may be desired in the future (ex: first facelift age 50, second procedure in 70s). This is because the aging process continues and changes still occur to the face and neck over time. With a face lift, we are simply turning back the clock...not stopping it.
Depends on your age; how saggy is your face; your life style; sun exposure; and the type of facelift and the surgeon you choose.
Some last 6-12 months.....some 10 to 15 years.
It depends on the technique of the facelift. If it is a skin-only facelift, the results will not last very long. If it is a deep plane facelift, the results could last for a decade or more. So it depends on the technique used.
That's a great question! And there's no easy answer.

In reality, "the results" of any plastic surgery don't last any time at all, because as soon as the surgery is over (and you've healed and aren't swollen any more), you will continue to age just like you did before the surgery.

But that's a terrible answer! Most modern facelifts include lifting and tightening both your skin and the underlying muscle layer (the "SMAS"). This allows your surgeon to treat both the aging of your skin (for example, deep skin wrinkles, fullness in the "jowls", excess skin in the neck) and the loosening of your muscle layer (especially in your lower face and neck) that come with as we age.

Most of my patients tell me that they look ten to fifteen years younger after a facelift, and fewer than half of patients (not just mine but nationally) decide to have a second face or neck lift after undergoing a full (not "mini") facelift with muscle tightening.

So I think that the best answer to your question is that a facelift will make you look ten to fifteen years younger, that this rejuvenation will continue throughout the rest of your life, and that you probably won't ever need another facelift. But that of course ten to twenty years after your facelift you won't look the same way you did immediately after your surgery.
This various depending on the plane in which the facelift is performed. But results typically last greater than 10 years to a lifetime.