Dentist Questions Dentist

How long does it take for a crowned tooth to stop hurting?

I got a tooth crown 5 days ago. It still hurts. How long does it take for a crowned tooth to stop hurting?

4 Answers

The real question to be answered is: Just what kind of condition was the nerve inside of your tooth. Or how "big or deep" was the cavity. How close did it come to the actual nerve inside the tooth. If it was close you may need a root canal.

My next question is: How well does the temporary crown fit? Is the actual tooth that was prepared for a crown covered with no exposed margins? Poorly fitting temporary crowns can have a multude of problems, including bite related issues as well as issues with the actual temporary cement. Best advice is to call your dentist and ask him to correct the problem .
Please contact your Dentist to evaluate. Here is a great link to answer this
Your tooth should not hurt, to begin with. Go back to the doctor and request another x-ray of that tooth and surrounding teeth to make sure everything is ok on the tooth as well as teeth around the crown.
Crowned teeth may be sensitive for a few days up to a couple of weeks. By sensitive, I mean a response to hot or cold. If your tooth is throbbing or waking you up at night, you may have an abscess and you will need to call your dentist.