Audiologist Questions Audiologist

How often should I get a hearing exam over 50?

I am a 55 year old male. I want to know how often should I get a hearing exam over 50?

5 Answers


If one suspects a hearing difficulty, has ringing in the ears, or has had exposure to loud noise, recommend getting an audiogram or a hearing exam.

Dr. D
If you are noticing a problem, asking people to repeat, confusing words or ringing in the ears every year. No complaints every 2 to 3 years
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It depends on your initial hearing test. If it’s a normal audiogram we won’t repeat it for several years. If there is hearing loss or progressive changes we would check the hearing more frequently.
If you have documented hearing loss with or without hearing aids, every two years. If sudden hearing loss, immediately
It depends on your lifestyle. If you have certain health issues (i.e., diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, cancer with chemotherapy) or are exposed to occupational or recreational noise regularly, I would get it checked at least once a year and make sure you're wearing appropriate hearing protection regularly. If you're healthy, not regularly exposed to noise and have no concerns about hearing loss, I'd recommend everything 2-3 years.