Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Physiatrist

How physiotherapy helps arthritis?

I have arthritis and want to treat it. How physiotherapy helps arthritis?

5 Answers

When the muscles which support a joint are stronger there is less pain despite the arthritis. Physiotherapy will have you do exercises to strengthen the muscles involved. If you have limited range of motion therapist will likely also include stretching exercises to restore your range of motion. Also therapists often apply modalities such as hot packs that reduce pain temporarily and help you to be able to participate in the exercises.
Physiotherapy can reduce pain and inflammation in arthritic joints, improve joint mobility and flexibility, and strengthen specific muscles. Additionally, physiotherapists can educate patients on proper joint protection techniques, recommend assistive devices, and design exercise programs tailored to the patient's needs. Overall, physiotherapy is an effective and non-invasive way to manage arthritis symptoms and improve quality of life.
Skilled physical therapy works on the muscles and fascia around the joint that has arthritis, decreasing trigger points and myofascial tightness alleviates the pressure placed on the joint. Then strengthening can occur in the muscle, to improve the overall function of the joint.
Yes, physical therapy can help arthritis by improving muscle and joint strength and muscle conditioning.
Usually can be very useful in conjunction with appropriate diagnosis and integrated plan of care.