Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

How to cure canker sore on tonsils asap?

I've had this canker sore on my tonsil for about four days now and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Every day the pain just gets worse and worse. I tried gargling salt water and baking soda but to no avail.

Male | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 4
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

3 Answers

It is best to see an oral healthcare provider to examine this and determine what is the cause of the canker sores and the best way to treat them. They are likely just canker sores and gargling with warm salt water rinses can help but this can also potentially be something more serious, so it is always best to see an oral healthcare provider for an evaluation and treatment. There is a prescription mouth rinse called Peridex which can really help with mouth sores.
Canker sores usually heal without treatment. However, some remedies and medication can help ease pain.

Home remedies
People can make a saltwater rinse by dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. They can swill the rinse around the throat and tonsils up to three times a day.

Drinking cold water or sucking on ice cubes may numb the pain a little. Eating soft frozen yogurt or ice cream could also help. It is best not to eat anything with sharp edges to avoid irritating canker sores further.

If a person has recurring canker sores, the following lifestyle changes may help:

avoiding spicy or acidic foods
reducing stress
taking an iron or B vitamin supplement
Learn more home remedies for canker sores here.

Medical treatments
Medication can ease pain and reduce swelling, which can help encourage a canker sore to heal more quickly.

People can look for OTC gels and creams that contain an anti-inflammatory or pain relief agent and apply these directly to the ulcer. Some gels coat the canker sore to form a protective barrier that stops further irritation.

It can be difficult to reach a canker sore in the throat. Mouthwash can be a more effective way of reducing pain, swelling, and the risk of infection. A medicated or antimicrobial mouthwash is likely to be best.

Various canker sore treatments are available for purchase online. Anyone who is unsure what to try can speak to a pharmacist or doctor before purchasing medicine to treat canker sores.

For a severe canker sore, a person may need prescription medication. Tablets can reduce inflammation and help a severe ulcer heal.

Laser therapy at a low level may help trusted Sources in cases of severe or recurrent canker sores. Although it is not a cure, it can speed up healing by drying out and disinfecting a canker sore.
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Go see an oral surgeon asap. Try putting an ice cube on the lesion until such time as you can see an oral surgeon.