Pharmaceutical Medicine Questions Doctor

I double dosed my Metoprolol?

I am on metoprolol 50 mg daily. I took it at 12 noon and I accidentally took another 50 mg at 9:30 pm. My current b/p at 10 pm is 128/74 pulse 80. I had afib last year and 6 months after svt then this yr I had atrial flutter. That's why my metoprolol was increased from 25 mg to 50 mg after my atrial flutter. Since I double dose today is it still ok? Will there be side effects?

Female | 73 years old
Medications: Metoprolol 50 mg eliquis 5 mg 2x per day
Conditions: Svt atrial flutter

1 Answer


Sorry to hear that you took a double dose, but it will be alright. Now you should go back to your regularly scheduled time of taking it. Try to take the metoprolol at the same time each day. It would be good to even set an alarm on your phone if that will help you to remember it. If you notice that you are short of breath or your heart rate drops below 60, please let
your doctor or nurse know.
