Emergency Medicine Specialist Questions OB-GYN

I have pain under my left breast?

I have this pain after I eat. I have type diabetes and heart problems run in my family.

Male | 31 years old
Complaint duration: 03 days
Medications: Alot
Conditions: diabetes

4 Answers

Pain under the left breast after meals usually associates with digestive issues, such as stomach discomfort. Stomach reflux can generate pain behind your breast bone . Heart related pain can appear at any time, most frequently with exertion. It generally is appreciated as intense pressure over the chest which does not change with breathing or swallowing. I suggest discussing this matter with your doctor. They may suggest special testing or try a pill to relieve stomach acidity before making other recommendations.
Pain under the left breast is rarely cardiac and the fact that it occurs after eating sounds more gastrointestinal, but a heart cause needs to be excluded. People with diabetes are more likely to have cardiac issues without the typical chest pain. Please do not ignore these complaints. The physician prescribing your diabetes medications should be informed and a cardiology consultation seems appropriate.

You should contact your primary care doctors to see if the could be cardiac realayed.
Please go to the Emergency Department for evaluation if you are in active pain. If no active pain, go to your Primary Care Physician or Urgent care ASAP. I am worried you may have heart disease or may be actively having a heart attack