Neurologist Questions Sleep Medicine Specialist

I have video game addiction and weakness?

I've been sleeping constantly. I can fall asleep at any time for hours yet I have a schedule where I sleep from 8 pm to 8 am even with the 12 hours of sleep I take naps constantly and this past weekend slept over 30 hours straight. I have also been feeling weak randomly and nearly collapse anytime I feel too angry or excited or even when I laugh. Could this have anything to do with playing too many video games? I saw a doctor and he said he believes it might be narcolepsy and cataplexy. We did blood work and it all came out normal.

Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 4 months
Medications: none
Conditions: none

4 Answers

Any addiction can cause serious health consequences.
This sounds like narcolepsy with cataplexy and should be evaluated by a sleep specialist. The only way to diagnose this is with a sleep study, not blood work.
It sounds like your sleep patterns, need for sleep, and quantity of sleep have changed over the past few months. It is certainly possible that you have narcolepsy. There is a peak in the teens and again in the later 30s. And it is more common in males. However, in order to know for sure, you will need a "sleep study". If the study is positive there are lifestyle modifications and medications that can help you lead a more normal life.

The symptoms are certainly worrisome for narcolepsy and cataplexy syndrome. Other problems should be ruled out including anemia and obviously sleep apnea or central sleep apnea in addition to other disorders of sleep. You may need to see a sleep specialist and in addition to bloodwork may also need to have polysomnogram and multiple sleep latency test -MSLT
I hope this was helpful!


Dr. Lipenko