Geriatrician Questions Geriatrician

I just wanted some answers to maybe why my friend passed away?

She lost tons of weight probably down to about 90lb, very weak, shaky, her skin was jaundiced colored, shortness of breath. She was a heavy drinker so I'm wondering if because she was able to work from home for covid made it worse for her drinking all day every day. At first, I thought maybe she had a nervous breakdown because she was helping her sick husband, but I know it's something more than that she would refuse to get help going to a doctor or hospital.

Female | 60 years old
Complaint duration: 365 days about
Conditions: Speak shortness of breath extremely weight loss John does color skin shaking.

2 Answers

It is possible she had advanced cirrhosis which is liver failure or cancer of the liver or elsewhere
I would say and to venture a guess that the alcohol exacerbated and/or was the cause of her ultimate demise. Describing the fact that she was jaundice means that she was in some degree of liver failure. She probably had some degree of alcoholic Cardiomyopathy. Or multi-system organ failure due to the toxins associated with alcohol. I’m sorry to hear that such as the case, and depression will exacerbate alcoholism and or abuse. As a form of “self treatment.” I’m sorry to hear about your loss and I wish you well and hope that this was some degree of service to you.

Be well,

Brent Reinheimer, MD