OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

I'm having period pain and fertility issues?

I’m 24 years old and I have been taking felvin (proxicam) before I got married and have been trying to get pregnant for two months now to no avail. What other drugs can I take for period pain that has no effect on conceiving? Also, my period is always 30/31 days cycle but shifted to a 37days cycle for my last period.

Female | 24 years old
Medications: Felvin for period pain. folic acid and vitamin E

1 Answer

It will not hurt your fertility to take medications during your period. Monitor your cycle length, if it starts to consistently get longer than 35 days you should seek care with an OBGYN. If you have not conceived within 12 menstrual cycles/12 months, then you should get an infertility evaluation.