Hematologist (Blood Specialist) Questions Hematologist

Levels of B21 and folate?

I had a blood result that indicated my red blood cells were "large". As I was told this could be folate or B12 deficiency, I started taking over-the-counter supplements. My blood test results today came back as B12 1284 and folate 20. The level of B12 is now high. Should I stop taking the supplements?

Female | 46 years old

3 Answers

More importantly than the "level of B12" is the change, if any in the "large red blood cells". The 'sign of folate deficiency you were targeting was the large red blood cell, which is a very common finding in B12 deficiency. However, BMF (Bone Marrow Failure) & MDS (myelodysplastic syndrome) are also common causes, and there are quite a few more including lymphoid conditions or thyroid conditions. So, check your target sign "the Red Cell Volume" & follow up with your Health Care Provider.
NO, I would recommend continuing to take the supplements. It is showing high because you are taking them. B-vitamins are water soluble and really hard to have toxicity from them even when high. The body will generally clear out what you don't need. If your red blood cells remain large, you may want to consider that you may have an MTHFR genetic mutation and may need to be taking methylated folic acid (folate) and Methylcobalamin (methyl B12). You can extrapolate this from raw data from a 23 and me or ancestry DNA test, or you can ask your doctor to test your for the MTHFR mutation.
This is a slightly high B12 but is not dangerous. You can continue your supplement and see if the level continues to rise or get additional blood tests to answer the question.