Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions

MRI Results

I Injured myself a month ago, hospital put me in a boot. Seen an orthopedic surgeon he don’t a xray, bone scan, and a mri. Said everything was okay. My question is can mri results be read wrong? Pain is very baby and constant

Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 1 Month

7 Answers

MRI's can be misinterpreted occasionally. However with the x-rays and bone scan both being negative followed by the MRI it seems highly unlikely. A steroid injection to help decrease the pain and swelling may be helpful. No more than 2 ever recommended. More importantly, regenerative medicine options are what we recommend for long term relief of symptoms. midohiofootandankle.com
It appears that there is an injury to the talus. I would recommend getting access to results from radiology facility.
Sometimes the MRI can miss things. If your still having pain after seeing the orthopedic physician. I would recommend seeing another orthopedic or podiatrist that specializes in the foot and ankle.
Everything looks normal but I would get the disc of images take it for a
second opinion also get the radiologist report.

Dr Patel
Hi, i would recommend that you obtain those records, espcially the xray, ct, and mri reports and bring it to another doctor for second opinion.
Sometimes MRIs can be read differently by different radiologist. If you're concerned that the MRI might have been read incorrectly recommend asking the MRI facility to have another radiologists look at it for a second opinion. Also, it depends of the MRI was done with contrast because this can show other issues that may not be evaluated on a noncontrast MRI.
I hope this helps.
Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM
Texas Foot WorksDallas, Athens and Gun Barrel City Texas214-340-8885
Get another opinion. MRI is too small to interpret.