Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

My jaw is loud?

I keep forgetting to bring it up to my dentist and figured I could ask someone for free online so that's what I'm going to do. I think it started getting bad about 2 years ago when I started using rubber bands for my braces.... but my jaw pops when I open my mouth or chew. It happens on both lower sides at the back and sometimes it's loud enough where others can hear it...is this normal?

Also, I got my wisdom teeth removed on August 10, 2021, and got a dry socket, I can mostly chew normally now but it's now October 24th and I still can't open my jaw fully it's like a dull but sharp pain around the inside tissue next to the extraction site. It got a bit better like I can open my mouth more but not enough to eat a doughnut without having to wiggle it between my teeth a bit. Also, one of the holes looks grayer than the other like it hasn't really healed? Should I call and ask my surgeon about it and go for a follow-up or just wait it out?

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: Maybe about 2 years/2 months 14 days
Medications: vyvanse Fluoxitine alprazalam doxipen
Conditions: Braces removed July of 2020...rubber bands around late 2019/2020, wisdom teeth removed August 10th 2021

4 Answers

Call the oral surgeon, there should not be pain by now. Ask the oral surgeon about your jaw when you are there
Definitely follow up with your dentist. You should never try to move your own teeth with rubber bands unless prescribed by an orthodontist.
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Seems like you have two things going on, and one is more serious than the other. When teeth are moved and the relationship of upper to lower jaw changes, that can stress the TMJ (TemporoMandibular Joint). Sometimes it can click or pop, but the sounds alone are not a serious problem and can be tolerated. But if there is pain associated with the sounds, then you must consult an oral surgeon or a TMJ specialist  Many people have joints that make those sounds and never require care or treatment. Some of us have knees that crack when we bend down, and that is similar. No pain = no treatment.

What is more troubling is the long time it's taking for your dry socket to heal. You should definitely consult with your surgeon. If there is an infection that is not healing properly, the jawbone can be negatively affected. You may also experience a tightness in the jaws that prevents normal opening. You may need more investigatory X-rays and additional treatment. Dry sockets can heal on their own, but the process is slow. Yours seems abnormally so. Get it looked at soon.

Dr. Conrad
You have been very patient so far, but now it is time to be the squeaky wheel. Absolutely follow up with your oral surgeon and be very specific about your symptoms. It sounds like you have trismus, which is the inability to fully open your mouth. Inflammation in the temporomandibular joint area can possibly be the cause. The popping sound you are hearing is your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The bone is scraping against the disc, causing the popping sound. Having a custom bite splint made for your lower teeth should help. This is an appliance you would sleep in at night. A general dentist can make this for you. Following up with the orthodontist would also be a good idea but let's hear what the oral surgeon has to say. Your incomplete healing of the lower wisdom teeth may also be contributing to the popping sound. I am sorry you are going through all this discomfort, but hopefully you will get relief soon.