OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Not getting periods after ipill?

I had my first intercourse on the 28th of May. We used protection as I didn't want to get pregnant we're pretty sure it didn't leak. I still took an ipill because of the fear and prevention. After that, it's been 10 days since the ipill (took it 24hrs after) and I haven't got my periods. Is it simply delayed? How much time does it take to get a period after it? Or am I pregnant? I have pcod and a history of delayed periods and hormonal imbalances. I'm on hormone meds as of now.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 10days
Medications: On hormonal meds
Conditions: Pcod not having periods after ipill

2 Answers

Hum, an iPill is a type of emergency contraception. It’s not full proof! It depends on how soon after intercourse the pill is taken, etc. It sounds like you have underlying medical disorders that are at work here.
Do have a pregnancy test to make sure you’re not pregnant. One of mthe common treatments for PCO is the COC ( combination birth control pill). Used correctly, you won’t get pregnant. However, it sounds like you started the hormonal treatment after the previous event. If that’s the case, all bets are off— have a pregnancy test.
You should take and over the counter pregnancy test if you are worried. Sometimes periods are irregular and this can be stressful. I think you should see a Gyn and use additional birth control: pill or IUD.