Dentist Questions Dental Care

Oral Issue

I have a bump in my mouth. What should I do?

Male | 27 years old

9 Answers

Need more context and pictures but see a dentist if unsure.
See a dentist, could be something benign such as exostosis or tori; or it
can be an abscess which needs to be treated
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Where is the bump?
I would definitely see a dentist to start with and they can provide the diagnosis. It could be an abscess (a tooth with an infection in the root or bone) and require attention. If you are in Tampa give my office a call at General and Cosmetic Dentistry of Tampa.
See a dentist or doctor immediately for an evaluation.
Contact your dentist it needs to get checked.
Depending on where that "bump" is exactly in your mouth the diagnosis is vastly different. The best option is to schedule an appointment with a dentist to make sure just in case infection or cancer is diagnosed early.
A bump in the mouth can be many things from a traumatic lesion, virus, clogged salivary glands, infection, etc. so it’s hard to explain what to do. Salt water helps to dehydrate the lesion. There are several OTC products that can be used to help sooth a lesion until it heals. Orajel, anbesol, Kana-a etc. Normal lesions should resolve in 2 weeks. If you bump doesn’t heal in 2 weeks, see you dentist.
There are many different bumps that can occur in the mouth. Many are benign, but oftentimes it can be an indication of an infection or other pathology. I would have your dentist evaluate the bump as soon as possible.