Urologist Questions Urologist

Penile papules?

I would like to know if I have penile papules on my penis im worried.

Male | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 3 weeks
Medications: None
Conditions: None

5 Answers

Penile Coronal papules are normal. No treatment is necessary
They are tiny bumps, smooth, and do not represent any infection. They do not cause any symptoms. Do not change. No treatment is necessary. Just reassurance after careful examination and history. If it persists, try to consult a dermatologist.
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This is a normal anatomical variant underneath the corona of the penis and is a benign disorder and is considered to be normal
Penile papules are common. If you want to know if the lesions on the penis are papules vs other you can see your local urologist for a quick exam.
I'm up way too late but looks like a yeast infection first glance. A pill of fluconazole is first thing I would do. Antibiotics for a UTI extra bonus to be safe, you want antibiotics to cover e coli based on your situation. Resistance fluctuates based on location,etc.