Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Pinched nerve?

I've been suffering for about 3 months (off and on) with some kind of pinched nerve in my back or neck. It burns real bad in my shoulder area and pain that shoots all the way down my arm. and for some reason, arm pain gets worse when sitting. I don't know what's best to take or do for some kind of relief. any help, please.

Male | 49 years old

2 Answers

You should see your doctor so that he/she can take a complete history and do a neurological examination. The most common cause of such symptoms is a herniated intervertebral disc in your cervical spine. The good news is that most such situations resolve themselves but if muscle weakness, loss of sensation, etc. is found on examination, an MRI may be warranted.
It appears you have radiculopathy or pinched nerve your symptoms are concerning and you need the full neurological examination to make sure there’s no additional subtle weakness in the muscles of the upper extremities. You need to have an MRI of the cervical spine to see the source of that pinching of the nerves it could be more severe than one anticipated. I would avoid any physical activity or physical therapy Till these measures are undertaking.
In the interim anti-inflammatory medicine ibuprofen Advil three tablets each hundred milligrams could be of help on trial basis till you see the neurosurgeon
Thank you