Dermapathologist Questions Dermatologist

Planters wart?

How do you get rid of planters warts on the bottom of your feet? I had them for a few years now and it is very hard to walk.

Male | 66 years old
Medications: none
Conditions: Hardy walk. Pain out the ass.

19 Answers

They can be frozen, chemocauterized, removed surgically or application of OTC wart removal.
See a podiatrist. He will shave them off and apply acid to kill the virus.
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Planters' warts are typically covered by callus tissue protecting them and this tissue needs to be debriefed by a specialist then there are several methods of treating the wart.
First and foremost you need to get the correct diagnosis as a differential from pressure lesion which has an entirely different treatment plan from a viral infection in the skin. Than the size matters as very small lesions May respond to acid treatments that are sold in the stores where some lesions become more resistant if that is attempted. Seeing a podiatrist is your best bet although some dermatologists have more experience in this area than others. There are many treatments however I prefer surgical excision which is done in the office under a local anesthetic. This can be done in conjunction with techniques to enhance the immune system or create a blister to shed the lesion with some layers of skin. If you do something on your own the success varies you could get lucky and you could get unlucky and develop more pain and disability.

Jan David Tepper DPM, FACFAS
CEO Family Foot & Ankle Center
984 West Foothill Boulevard, Suite B
Upland, California 91786
O 909-920-0884
F 909/920-9810
New to be seen and biopsied.
If I had to guess it is a porokeratosis and not a wart. That being said without direct observation this would be difficult to prove.
Sorry to hear that, sometimes they must be surgically removed. I have had a case that surgery was the only option. there are products that a podiatrist could recommend but you need to see a specialist that will assess your case.
There are literally over 100 ways to treat warts including many over the counter remedies. That tells you that it is a difficult thing to treat and frustrating for both the patient and doctor. You can start off with an over the counter treatment. If that is unsuccessful, then contact a local podiatrist.
It is doubtful that they are warts. Warts usually disappear without any treatment within a couple years. More likely they are corns or skin cysts. See a podiatrist for accurate diagnosis and treatment for this painful problem
Plantar warts can be very difficult to eliminate. See your podiatrist to make sure they are actually warts and have them treated
more than likely by Laser, and there are different kinds, seek a Podiatrist that offers that treatment
A very challenging problem, usually requires a combination of debridement, topical acid, and or cryotherapy. Can require several treatment sessions. I often recommend oral and topical application of oregano oil as well.
See a podiatrist to have them removed.
Excision and cautery, laser. Over-the-counter wart preparations are too weak for the foot.
First of all, you have to make sure that you are dealing with a wart and not a deep callus/corn. A callus/corn is formed secondary to pressure, and a wart is a virus that has invaded the outer layers of your skin (epidermis). Typically, warts are treated with topical acid therapy under
occlusion. It may take a few treatments to completely eradicate the wart. OTC salicylic acid treatments are effective, though take some time to work. Treatments performed at a doctor's office use stronger concentrations of salicylic acid and can eradicate the wart faster.
Plantar warts are caused by a virus. Sometimes topical medications can be used to eradicate them. Surgical excision and lasers are other alternatives.

Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM, FACFAS
Dallas, Athens, and Gun Barrel City
warts are caused by virus living on skin. therefore to rid of warts, there are over the counter and prescribe forms of meds. If you have a clusters of them, I recommend that you see a podiatrist or dermatologist to treatment options. There is a topical effective way recently that can rid of warts without surgery: it is call SWIFT, please look this up and see if there is a local doctor in your area that perform this.
Warts are viruses and they are very difficult to resolve. They also have a high recurrence rate. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment options
1st off, make sure it’s actually a plantar wart and not some other kind of lesion. Warts are difficult to get rid of. You can try topical over the counter acids, but be very careful not to cause an open wound or infection from aggressive use. I usually see patients every 2 weeks for treatments, and it still often takes several months to resolve