Pharmaceutical Medicine Questions Pharmacist

Progestin affect amitriptyline?

Will progestin cause amitriptyline (10 mg used to prevent headaches) to be less effective. Headaches returned 4-6 after starting progestin.

Female | 48 years old
Complaint duration: Weeks
Medications: Progestin amitriptyline levythyroxin
Conditions: Chronic headaches. Thyroid issues

3 Answers

Yes, progestin decreases the effect of amitriptyline, hence decreasing its clinical effect.
I found one study that said plasma concentrations of Amitriptyline decreased after taking a combination contraceptive pill, Progestin only pill or combined contraceptive vaginal ring. However, most literature states there is no interaction between the two. 10mg of Amitriptyline is a really small dose. I would speak with my physician about increasing the dose to see if that would help. You could also switch to a medication like Propranolol for migraine prevention. Speak to your dr. about which option might be best for you.
There are no drug interactions between the two medications.