Pulmonologist | Pulmonary Disease Questions Pulmonologist

Pulmonary embolism and vaccination ( Pfizer )?

My Wife has ( or had ) a PULMONARY EMBOLISM. She is waiting on the results of a CT Scan to see if the blood clot on her lung has dispersed. She is also suffering from a 24/7 COUGH ( since January ).
She has booked a covid vaccination for tomorrow morning without having received the Scan results.
Is this a wise decision or should she delay the jab until 1) She has the test results, or 2) Until her COUGH is cure. OR BOTH?

Female | 65 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Conditions: PE

1 Answer

If she has been on anticoagulant for 6 months, she does not need another CT scan. If she doesn’t have COVID, i.e., cough ,not a symptom of current infection, she should have the vaccine.