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What medications help with pneumonia?

I have pneumonia. What medications help with pneumonia?

Which antibiotics are the best for pneumonia?

I have pneumonia. Which antibiotics are the best for pneumonia?

Is it okay to have shortness of breath after pneumonia?

I recovered from pneumonia 2 days ago. Since then I have had shortness of breath. Is it okay to have shortness of breath after pneumonia?

What antibiotics fix pneumonia fast?

I have pneumonia. What antibiotics fix pneumonia fast?

Is lungs CT scan with dye safe?

I will have a lung CT scan with dye. Is a lung CT scan with dye safe?

How long should I take antibiotics for bronchitis?

I have bronchitis. How long should I take antibiotics for bronchitis?

Should I take antibiotics for bronchitis?

I have bronchitis. Should I take antibiotics for bronchitis?

What is the best breathing treatment for bronchitis?

I have bronchitis. What is the best breathing treatment for bronchitis?

How long does pneumonia last?

I have pneumonia and I take antibiotics. How long does pneumonia last?

How long does pneumonia last without antibiotics?

I have pneumonia. How long does pneumonia last without antibiotics?

How to fix the breathing problems after pneumonia?

I have breathing problems after pneumonia. How can I fix them?

Can bronchitis become pneumonia?

I have bronchitis. Can bronchitis become pneumonia?

How long does pneumonia last?

I have pneumonia and I take antibiotics. How long does pneumonia last?

How to fix bronchitis?

I was diagnosed with bronchitis. How to fix bronchitis?

Is lung CT scan with dye safe?

I will have a CT scan of my lungs with dye. Is a lung CT scan with dye safe?

Can pneumonia be fixed with medications?

I have pneumonia. Can pneumonia be fixed with medications?

Can bronchitis cause shortness of breath?

I have bronchitis. Can bronchitis cause shortness of breath?

Is it okay to have breathing problems after pneumonia?

I recovered from pneumonia 2 days ago. I have had breathing problems since then. Is it okay to have breathing problems after pneumonia?

How long does pneumonia last?

I have pneumonia. How long does pneumonia last?

How long should I take antibiotics for pneumonia?

I have pneumonia. How long should I take antibiotics for pneumonia?

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