OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Question for an OB/GYN?

I am 46 years old and had a full episcopal hysterectomy on October 6, 2020, because of fibroids on my ovaries and an enlarged uterus. In the last two months, I have been seeing pink when I wipe when I go to the bathroom, and just currently today I have been having abdominal cramping, back pain, and the feeling of starting my period along with pink when I wipe. When I had my hysterectomy, I was prescribed 2 mg of Estradiol. I ran out around January and I no longer have medical insurance, and I cannot afford to pay out of pocket to go back to the OB doctor that I had. Could these symptoms be because I have not been able to take the Estradiol and my body is low on estrogen? Or could I possibly have fibroids or cysts again?

Female | 46 years old
Complaint duration: Two months/ and today
Medications: None
Conditions: None

2 Answers

You should pay out of pocket for a pelvic exam at an urgent care near by. Should be about 150$ depending on where you are. One of the most dangerous things that might be taking place is a vaginal cuff breakdown. Although this is less likely this far out it is not impossible. Once this is confirmed negative i would consider estrogen conversation
If you had a complete hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and Fallopian tubes ) and removal of BOTH ovaries then there you will not get fibroids and cysts. You can confirm what was removed by messaging your doctor. Low hormones due to the removal of ovaries cause hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and pain during intercourse. Pink spotting could be due to a dry vagina. You need to restart estradiol. Abdominal cramping is unrelated to your surgery in 2020. You need to seek medical help if it is worsening. Take care!