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Rapid drug test with false positives?

I'm in drug court. Over the last 4 or 5 months, I have close to 10 tests hit positive but when sent to the lab there obviously negative. It's because I'm not on anything. Why is this continually happening to me and how can I get this to stop?

Female | 37 years old

1 Answer

Dip Tests are actually just a baseline--if they show a positive for anything that is not supposed to be there--I talk to the patient and get their take. If the patient admits to using something I do not send it for confirm, but if the patient is adamant they have not used I send it for confirm. Most of the time it is a false positive and we just move on. It sucks I know, but until the technology is upgraded this is what we have to deal with. I am sorry this is happening to you.