Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Red spots on head of penis?

To start this off, I’ve had red spots on my penis for about 3 to months now. I have been to the doctor two times and the first time she just told me to put Aquaphor on it and I did that for about a week with no results. Then I went to the doctor a second time and I got prescribed nystatin. I’ve been taking nystatin for two weeks now with no results. Sometimes I do masturbate but I’m not sure if it’s affecting my penis problem even worse. I haven’t ever had this happen to me I should add.

Male | 15 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: None
Conditions: Slight asthma

2 Answers

You need to go to a urologist to have them looked at the lesions to confirm that they are not something that need to be removed. It also may be normal, and these are called papules, but in order to make that diagnosis, you need someone to look at it.

Dr. Niko Lailas
It depends on if you have an active sex life or have not had sex before. Regardless my choice would be a one dose pill of fluconazole 150mg. It works better than nystatin. Sorry for your pain.
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