Dentist Questions Dentist

Should I go to the doctor if my gums are swollen?

I think I have an infection in my gums because they are red and swollen. Should I go to the doctor and get medication or should I just ask my dentist about it?

5 Answers

You are describing Gingivitis and Periodontal disease. If you want to save your teeth and be in good overall health, a dentist is who you should see.
DENTIST! A physician will look, maybe give antibiotics, and tell you to see the dentist. Why waste time with the middleman? Go to the dentist to diagnose the problem and cure it. Antibiotics alone, without a diagnosis or treatment, will only mask the problem and then it returns.
Good luck.
Good afternoon,

Yes, you should go to your dentist.
I would seek help from your dentist. Dentists are better versed in oral infections and their treatment, and if any medication is needed, your dentist can prescribe it for you.
You should call your dentist and set up an appointment to have it looked at.