Emergency Physician Questions Emergency Physician

Should I go to the hospital for a gastritis attack?

I have bad gastritis attack and nothing is helping. Should I go to the hospital for a gastritis attack?

4 Answers

Normally, Gastritis will not make you so sick that you have to go to the hospital. If you are getting frequent attacks of pain, you must be evaluated to find the cause of the pain. Treatment will not work if one does not know the correct diagnosis. Talk to your doctor about.
Wish you the best of care and health.
If you have tried the typical over-the-counter remedies for gastritis and nothing is working, you should certainly go to the ER or local urgent care facility for further evaluation.

P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO
Hard to know because I would not be able to determine if what you are describing is really gastritis vs something else. Gastritis alone does not usually cause pain unless there is an acute infection. Many patients are told that they have gastritis but oftentimes no testing is done to prove the diagnosis. Even the presence of gastritis on an EGD (upper endoscopy) does not necessarily explain symptoms. A proper work up and diagnosis need to be made.
If the abdominal pain lasts more than a few days, you may have to see a doctor.